Monetize Your Channels
Are your publications ready to sell ad space?
Have you got websites with substantial, high quality traffic?
A website that’s set up to sell ad space, and has a substantial amount of traffic, makes money 24/7. Incorporating advertising into a site presents many choices, many options for a publisher, each with its benefits and limitations. Massive Impressions helps publishers get the most out of sites. We help publishers sell ad space.
24/7 While YOU do other stuff
Connect to top ad networks.
Massive Impressions has been connecting publishers with advertisers since the web began. Knowledge of today’s dominant ad networks, their options, and how to configure sites to meet their requirements lets Massive Impressions make connecting to the right ad networks easy for publishers. We make it easy to sell ad space.
Enable donations.
With turnkey, full-service e-commerce services, Massive Impressions can get your organization’s web presences and publications accepting donations directly to the bank. Avoiding sites that take a big slice of the donation is easy. We let organizations keep on publishing by enabling donations correctly.
Sell ad units directly.
Publications can free themselves from ad networks and make reaching their audience more attractive for advertisers with direct ad sales. Generate insertion orders, let advertisers bundle packages and decide discounts 24/7, automatically online. Massive Impressions understands how important leveraging your channel’s integrated offerings gives you, as the publisher, the edge you need to be competitive. We’re highly experienced making publishers succeed enabling these features in online publications, features to sell ad space 24/7 online.
Today’s tools for publishing professionally.
How do publishers most effectively balance ad exposure when showing ads from multiple advertisers or multiple ad networks? What makes managing the ads easy, even when there’s multiple ad spaces?
Advanced ad management
How can money be collected for ad insertions, directory listings or paid editorials? How can we make sure advertisers submit all the proper creative and they’re charged based on their exact expectations?
Turn-key e-commerce
How can my publication get audiences and ad dollars away from competitors? What can keep my publications on the cutting edge of technology and engagement? What will keep my visitors visiting?