We have the latest information on SEO, social media, digital advertising and marketing, analysis, and opinion from our online marketing blog. If you’re in need of quality marketing strategy and tactics, read the posts you find here.
We’re always contributing what we’ve discovered, what works in online marketing and online advertising. If there’s something new we learn, we share it here. If there’s something new in the world of internet marketing, we’ll reveal what we know about it.
Previously, with Mi360 and other social media tools, we’ve relied on our ability to envision what posts will look like on social media sites as we’re scheduling them.
Now we don’t have to rely on our ability to guess any more.
https://www.massiveimpressions.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/social_media_previews.jpg349886Jason Pelishhttps://www.massiveimpressions.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/mi-340x156-1.pngJason Pelish2013-11-27 14:56:122015-07-20 16:31:47How we know what a Post will look like on Social Media before it’s posted.
Last week we started to get client inquiries about the latest and greatest update from Google, the “Hummingbird” update. “Does this mean I’m going to lose traffic from Google?”.
The consensus among SEO bloggers is that if you haven’t lost traffic in the past month, then you were not adversely affected by Hummingbird. This is because it went live over a month ago. If the update was going to negatively impact your site, it would have by now.
https://www.massiveimpressions.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/Capture1.jpg340460Lisa Pelishhttps://www.massiveimpressions.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/mi-340x156-1.pngLisa Pelish2013-11-04 14:26:302015-07-20 21:31:21Hummingbird: Will I lose traffic from Google?
Online Marketing Tactics are the tools that marketing experts use to reach audiences and make campaigns effective.
PPC is a tactic. Creating blog posts is another. Buying ads is a tactic. An e-mail blast is a tactic. Adding a URL to a directory listing is a tactic. Different tools are used for different jobs.
It’s so nice to have cool weather come to our hometown. Most of the time it’s hot here in Boca Raton.
We do marketing; getting the work done means being inside most of the time, and keeping the doors closed. It’s truly a pleasure to be doing marketing in Boca Raton today, especially with our doors open.
https://www.massiveimpressions.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/Boca-office.jpg429677Jason Pelishhttps://www.massiveimpressions.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/mi-340x156-1.pngJason Pelish2012-11-20 12:22:152013-12-19 21:24:26The cool weather makes marketing in Boca Raton even better.
We’ve been managing Facebook ad campaigns for our clients. It continues to amaze us how hard Facebook makes it to buy ad space. Ads that are essentially similar get dissimilar approvals. Some are allowed to run – some are blocked from running. The reasoning as to why these ads are being blocked seems arbitrary – as if a lenient person is approving some and a more stringent person is disapproving the same ad design.
Investors point to Facebook’s problem generating revenue around mobile use – we’re still trying to figure out how they manage to fumble catching the ad dollars from ad buyers are practically throwing at them.
https://www.massiveimpressions.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/facebook_256x256.jpg204204Jason Pelishhttps://www.massiveimpressions.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/mi-340x156-1.pngJason Pelish2012-10-04 15:17:262013-12-19 20:43:35Facebook reaches 1 billion users but still doesn’t want to get paid
Our latest dental website design has gone live. This WordPress-based site is for Dr. Mitchell Indictor, a dentist in Boynton Beach. This is the second dental website design we’ve done and it’s already accruing good SEO rank. Using WordPress and designing the site with basic SEO best practices was enough to get this site ranked quick. Social signals from social media posts also helped this website launch get search engine crawler attention fast.
This was a fun site, and Dr. Indictor had a lot of content potential already available to leverage. We ended up using his dog, Derby, as a mascot of sorts for the site and social media posts.
https://www.massiveimpressions.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/2vume.jpg79227Jason Pelishhttps://www.massiveimpressions.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/mi-340x156-1.pngJason Pelish2012-09-23 09:00:422013-12-19 20:45:34Read More About 2vu.me