It’s About the Relationship
Massive Impressions makes email marketing meaningful, by making it welcomed by your clients and prospects.
- Lead List building
- Lead generation campaigns
- Lead nurture campaigns
- Opt-in e-newsletters
- Brand building and awareness
- Creative strategy, design & copywriting
Email Marketing to Engage, Not Annoy
People’s in-boxes are full, and open and response rates have declined industry wide over the past few years. To drive results, email marketing has to communicate –not inundate – its way into a customer’s inbox. When done right, email marketing is still an integral component of any integrated internet marketing strategy.
Our Newsletter is packed with valuable online marketing insights.
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Online Marketing Newsletter Signup
It’s About Selecting the Right Tools & Software
We have an in-depth understanding of the best email marketing tools and software, and relationships with the companies that provide them. We can help you assess and scope out your email marketing needs and make recommendations for the most cost-effective tools to meet your goals.
It’s About Understanding the Regulatory Environment
We understand the regulatory environment and compliance issues around email marketing. Use this to your advantage and protect yourself from unnecessary legal hassles or operational slow-downs that result from spam non-compliance.
Email Campaigns We’ve Designed

Have us contact you by filling out the form below.
Email us at info@massiveimpressions.com.
or call Toll Free: (866) 800-3579
Massive Impressions Wins SFN Group the ExactTarget Connections 2011 Best Mobile Campaign
Read about the award we won for our client, SFN Group, for a Email/Mobile Integrated Campaign we did in 2011.